Olive Trees and New Growth
I looked out the window of the bus in Jerusalem this morning to see children walking to school. Some were rushing while others clearly were taking their own sweet time in no hurry to start their day. The older girls
I looked out the window of the bus in Jerusalem this morning to see children walking to school. Some were rushing while others clearly were taking their own sweet time in no hurry to start their day. The older girls
Standing on the top of Mt. Avital Bental today I gazed at three countries. With my feet on Israeli soil, I could look across the border into both Syria and Lebanon. We stood on a strategic lookout point between these
Our first full day in Israel was a whirlwind of activity. Tzippi, our tour guide, is a middle aged woman with striking dark hair that she wears tightly swept up in a knot on top of her head and it
I leave next Monday for two weeks in Israel. I have been planning this trip for almost a year and it seems somewhat surreal that it is finally here. I practice being both an observer and a participant in my
Who are the people who have had the most positive impact on your life? If you’re like me you may not consider this question very often. Taking people for granted and forgetting to appreciate all that’s been given and modeled
“Like attracts like” according to the Law of Attraction; in essence, we create our own reality. By intentionally focusing our thoughts, emotions, and actions on what we want in our lives we will draw it to us. If we are
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