Is this you?

You know there’s something more but…

  • You feel like you’re in a Fog, not sure what to do or which way to go to get back on track?
  • You feel uncertain, confused, and overwhelmed, asking yourself:
    • How did I get here?
    • Is this all there is? – This isn’t where you thought you’d be at this point in your career or your life.
  • The stress you’re feeling is causing health problems.
  • Your reaction to the fog does nothing more than tie you up in knots. 
  • You project blame, offload hurt, avoid, numb and/or distract yourself but nothing seems to help dislodge the fog for very long.

When you are in the fog, and the subsequent knot, the struggle and sense of overwhelm take a toll. The pain is real and frequently shows up as pain in these areas: personal, professional, and physical.

Professionally, you may feel stuck and uncertain how to move forward. You are frustrated, outwardly blaming other people or situations. You think that you need a major shift perhaps to a new job…or to a whole new career.

Personally, you feel disconnected, misunderstood and somewhat unhappy. You think of pulling back, self-protecting or possibly leaving the relationship entirely.

Physically – Stress and chronic health conditions occur. The constant distress affects not only your physical health but also your mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. You are in a slump that you can’t seem to get out of for long.

Find your way forward by learning powerful, effective tools that will free you to get back on track, and to confidently stay on track going forward.

Clear the fog and untangle the knot by coaching with Carol

I've Been There, Too!

Years ago, I lost myself in a co-dependent marriage to an alcoholic. After years of trying to make it work, the decision to divorce was the hardest thing I had ever done; especially with two young sons to raise on my own. I felt hopeless and didn’t know where to turn for help. One step at a time, I found my way. I started looking for answers and I found a more meaningful connection with myself. I discovered a healthy self-awareness and learned tools to keep me on track.  In the end my lost experience was the catalyst I needed for exponential growth and development into who I am today. I can look back now with gratitude for my lost time.

Pursue an Inward Journey

What helped me most was pursuing an inward journey to know myself better and to embrace who I am while learning how to be better and more effective.  I learned:

  • About my strengths
  • How to own my unique energy
  • To use my voice
  • To deepen my personal faith. 

Ultimately, my approach integrated my heart, mind, body, and spirit bringing me a grounded and wholistic sense of well-being. 

Today, using the tools I learned, I have clear actionable steps to maintain my well-being. Having proven strategies in my toolkit brings reliable and consistent confidence, which I had lacked before. Taking what I learned, I began an outward journey to share my gifts and wisdom with others. 

I have an in-depth understanding of strengths and integrate them with my everyday life. Part of my coaching expertise is helping others is to not only identify their strengths but to gain insight into how they help and hinder in everyday life. My goal is that you will learn your strengths to live, what you define as, a fulfilled life in heart, mind, body, and spirit. 

Begin Your Strengths Journey with Coaching

During our strengths coaching, there will be 3 main components to help you navigate your path:

  1. Awareness – You will begin your journey with me by taking an online strengths assessment that will identify your top 5 natural talents. You will receive a report with a customized description of each of your top talents. (Retail value $22)
  2. Action – Three coaching sessions (one hour each) to explore and apply your strengths.
    • Coaching Session 1: Name it – In the first session, we will review your report together and start to integrate it with your own view of yourself. Do you agree with it or do you see yourself differently? The process of awakening your inner knowledge about your own talents begins here. A positive outcome of this session would be to leave it with more questions than answers. You will receive tips and strategies to track your strengths during your daily activities and observe your talents until our next session.
    • Coaching Session 2: Claim it – In our second session, we will discuss what you observed about your strengths since session one. We will continue to unpack the assessment report and begin identifying the light and dark sides of your natural talents. Understanding when your strengths serve you well and when they are too much of a good thing is important for personal effectiveness. You will learn to tame them.
    • Coaching Session 3: Aim it – In session three we will continue to discuss your observations about your strengths applying them to your real-life situations. You will learn to modulate them; dialing them up or down as needed to get more of the results that you want at work, at home, and in all areas of your life.
  3. Accountability: Once the foundation has been laid, monthly laser coaching sessions will keep you on track. Three 45 min calls to check-in, review, and set fresh action steps are provided in this phase of our work together.

Get the Clarity You Need

Your Strengths knowledge will bring the clarity you need to navigate your way forward:

  • Finding greater self-awareness that leads to more confidence.
  • Being personally effective in your leadership at work and in life, overall. 
  • Having a team to help you refocus and reset when you get off track. 
  • Having clear, proven strategies and techniques to return yourself to wholistic well-being whenever you need it.

Are you ready to take action and claim your strengths?

Don’t stay caught in the confusion and struggle. I often hear people say they took the Strengths assessment but never did anything with the information. After looking it over once, they set it aside and continued doing things the way they always had before, staying caught in the confusion and the struggle. They remain lost and unable to find their clear way forward using their own talents because they didn’t get coaching with their assessment results.

My Why

I know what it’s like to be lost and confused. I also know that the best things I’ve found have been the result of that lost-ness. My painful times were a catalyst for transformational growth into who I am today. I am passionately committed to guiding my clients through the fog, knot and and path to:

  • Discover and fully receive what makes them unique…embrace their God-given talents
  • Understand how to modulate and manage those gifts for consistently high effectiveness
  • Integrate their strengths for overall wholistic well-being (heart, mind, body, and spirit)
  • Find their way forward, one step at a time, to be the leaders they want to be at work and in all areas of life.

I look forward to helping you soar in all areas life!

Common questions

You can, of course, take the assessment independently and skip coaching but you won’t go as far or find it as effective as you will with a coach. The process of self-discovery and inquiry is enhanced by the coaching relationship. You will go further, faster with a coach.

Yes, the strengths coaching package can be adapted for young adults, family groups, or teams. Call me today to learn more about creating a custom package for your people.

You may continue coaching with me for as long as you like and I will incorporate additional tools for your ongoing growth.

3 coaching sessions, delivered virtually

(Retail value is $700)
$ 529
  • Strengths Finders Assessment
  • Email access to me between sessions
  • Exclusive access to my private Facebook group
  • Leadership chart
Special Price

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